Black Parents Association
San Mateo Union High School District

Board of Directors
Charles Hansen, President
Elena Cistrunk, Treasurer
Joy Pasamonte Henry, Secretary
The Black Parents Association of the San Mateo Union High School District’s mission is to enrich our students’ high school journey and to prepare them to reach their fullest potential.
We are a diverse multi-ethnic volunteer association of parents, guardians, faculty & staff, students, and friends dedicated to cooperatively promoting equitable and inclusive learning environments for our students.Through the creation of wraparound, social justice, and scholarship programming, the Black Parents Association (BPA) inspires excellence in innovative ways to lead change, strengthening the education landscape for students in San Mateo County.
To address and support our students’ needs, BPA offers several programs throughout the school year to provide the following:
1. Opportunities for leadership and to receive mentoring and be mentors for younger students.
2. Timely information to students and families on resources to navigate the road to college.
3. Scholarship funds for eligible graduating high school seniors
Village Talks: Strengthening Our Community and Building Legacies (Feb. 1, 930am-1130am)
Join us for our first event of the school year!
We will have light refreshments and an interactive panel discussion beginning at 10 a.m. with two community leaders we are honored will join us - Maurice Goodman, NAACP San Mateo Branch President, and Trena Patton, Deputy Public Guardian at San Mateo County Aging and Adult Services.
If you would like to stay connected and receive information from the BPA in the future, please complete the form in the link.
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